Join us for an evening filled with inspiration about our soil and vegetation
Did you know that a teaspoon of healthy soil contains more living organisms than there are people living on earth? Discover more of these fascinating facts through the documentary ‘Onder het Maaiveld’ during the film screenings on september 19 and 23, 2024. Evenings in which we emphasize the importance of the earth and discuss the ways in which we can contribute to a healthy living environment. Will you join us?
A unique start to the Caritas Action
This year, the Caritas campaign of the Roman Catholic H.H.Petrus- en Paulus Parochie in and around Leiden, focuses on Mother Earth. A week in which awareness and caring for the earth is met with collections and activities on behalf of Stichting De Groentedeler. The Laudato Si working group also participates in this action.
A unique and informative part of this week is the film screening ‘Onder het Maaiveld’. This documentary shows the world of organisms and growth underneath our feet. It will bring people together in Leiden for two evenings, inspiring connection. Not only among each other, but also with the earth itself.
The documentary provides a broader understanding of the theme ‘caring for the earth’. It creates awareness of the limitless amount of life right under our feet. In addition, this evening will delve deeper into questions such as: what can we do to use the soil wisely? And how can we support the people around us to deal with the earth more consciously?
The program
We gladly invite all interested parties in Leiden and surroundings to attend the film screenings. Join us and get to know each other by initiating conversations. We seek connections, bring people together and strive to increase awareness of the nature that surrounds us.
We would like to welcome you on Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 8:00 PM in the Vredeskerk and on Monday, September 23, 2024 from 8:00 PM in de Regenboog. We will start with a short introduction from the board of De Groentedeler Foundation, outlining the importance of the earth in order to provide everyone with sufficient healthy food. We will watch the documentary together and have the opportunity to start a conversation afterwards.
About the movie
‘Onder het Maaiveld’ is a documentary by the makers of De Nieuwe Wildernis and De Wilde Stad. For this film, they go underground to visualize the world beneath our feet. A world that, according to Leonardo da Vinci, we know less about than about the galaxies above our heads.
The film inspires, amazes and provides insight into the soil. An underground community of roots, larvae, worms, fungi, bacteria, amoebae and arthropods. A microcosm in which communication takes place in an astonishing way. “It is rather fascinating that we overlook nature every day, while it forms the basis of our existence on earth”.
Practical information
Entrance to the film screenings is free, but a voluntary contribution* to Stichting De Groentedeler is much appreciated! This way we can work together to treat the earth well and help everyone to receive sufficient healthy food.
Date and location
Thursday, September 19, 2024 in de Vredeskerk (Van Vollenhovenkade 24, Leiden)
Monday September 23, 2024 in de Regenboog (Watermolen 1, Merenwijk Leiden)
Walk-in at 7:30 PM
Program starts at 8 PM
Expected ending around 10:15 PM
*The contribution of an amount of your choice can be made during the collection, or by scanning the QR code at the entrance to make a donation on our website.
Click here to watch the trailer of the documentary