Stichting De Groentedeler is committed to:
- Promoting and enabling the production of sustainable and healthy food in the local community.
- Providing sustainably produced vegetables to those in need, such as customers of the Voedselbank.
- Stimulating connections between urban and rural residents.

The origin of Stichting De Groentedeler
Stichting De Groentedeler originated from a group of people from Ekklesia Leiden, working together to raise awareness and practical solutions around sustainability. They came with the idea to support customers of De Voedselbank with organically cultivated vegetables, combined with a local initiative.
In collaboration with Mariska Verhulst, owner of the community supported agriculture garden Bij Mei in Zoeterwoude, they decided to purchase 20 harvesting subscriptions for the season of 2021. These subscriptions would provide customers of Voedselbank Leiden with 100 portions of fresh vegetables each week. A team of volunteers from the Ekklesia Leiden would harvest the vegetables, thus establishing a connection between urban and rural residents.
How valuable this contribution of vegetables was to Voedselbank Leiden, soon became evident. In no time they requested additional support for the next season. Since then, the portions of fresh vegetables harvested at Bij Mei grow steadily each season, along with the number of people contributing to this wonderful initiative.

Sowing, harvesting, sharing
In collaboration with Bij Mei, we continue to harvest the best organic vegetables. Each season lasts approximately 30 weeks and ensures the garden staff and our volunteers a period of hard work. Great satisfaction can be felt as soon as the first vegetables emerge from the ground. Throughout the year, actions are taken to prepare for this moment. After all, we need to sow in order to harvest and without donations there are no funds to share the necessary vegetables.

Our volunteers
Stichting De Groentedeler depends entirely on volunteers. Every Tuesday, our team gathers at Bij Mei. They take care of the crops, harvest and rinse all the vegetables and cluster everything for De Voedselbank in the dedicated boxes for distribution.
In this garden, we have found a way to make a difference. Vegetables are cultivated sustainably and manually harvested by our volunteers. By working side by side, people connect with each other, with the earth and with the food on their plates.

A glimpse into the future
Customers of De Voedselbank receive a contribution for four days a week. Currently, only two of these days contain fresh vegetables. By purchasing an increasing amount of vegetable subscriptions, we strive to provide a harvest that allows all customers of De Voedselbank to rely on fresh vegetables for four days a week during the season.
Additionally, we aim for a growing connection and awareness, both among people and also with nature. By harvesting together, sharing our food, we hope to ensure that this initiative will spread like wildfire across the Netherlands. Together, we can inspire cities to make an effort in growing sustainable and healthy food, while combining social awareness with powerful connections and collaborations throughout society.